We often get questions about what is in our boxes. While things do change depending on the season and availability, you generally always get your staples, like pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, onions, and leafy greens. We build the rest of the box out of whatever is in season at that time. You can always check out what we have by looking at our fruit and veg section on our website, we will be making up our seasonal boxes out of that selection of stock.  We ask for a maximum of 3 requests per box. You can see what Organic Veg we have available here.

Another question we get is how many people each box feeds. While this can vary a little, we generally recommend the following for omnivores weekly (people that include meat in their diet):
Small - feeds 2 people
Medium - feeds 3 people
Large - feeds 4 people
Jumbo - feeds 5+ people

For vegetarians or vegans we recommend sizing up:
Small - feeds 1 person
Medium - feeds 2 people
Large - feeds 3 people
Jumbo - feeds 4 people

Our Seasonal Boxes also include 10-20% added value depending on what size you buy, so you get a bit of extra bang for your buck! 


SKU VegBox